Partnerships for the goals


We conclude this week our Seeds of Faith series on the Sustainable Development Goals of the United Nations, proudly supported by Central Philippine University. Our concluding focus is on the seventeenth goal: Partnerships for the Goals.

Our guiding scripture is found in Ecclesiastes 4:9-10, which says, “Two are better than one, because they have a good return for their labor: If either of them falls down, one can help the other up. But pity anyone who falls and has no one to help them up.”

Firstly, strengthen collaboration.

God designed us to work together for the common good. Ecclesiastes reminds us of the power of partnership, emphasizing that “two are better than one.”

In the context of SDG 17, collaboration is crucial to accomplishing the Sustainable Development Goals.

Partnerships between or among governments, private sectors, civil society, and faith-based organizations can accelerate progress toward a just and peaceful world. Just as two people working together can achieve more than one, nations and communities must unite in pursuit of these global goals.

In our own lives, we are called to build partnerships that reflect God’s love and justice. Let us seek opportunities to collaborate, understanding that we can make a greater impact when we work together.

Whether it’s in the church or in broader societal endeavors, partnerships enable us to multiply our strengths and overcome challenges more effectively.

Secondly, uplift one another.

Ecclesiastes also reminds us of the importance of supporting each other, stating that when one falls, the other can help them up. This principle is at the heart of strong partnerships. We are not meant to go through life alone, and neither are we expected to solve the world’s challenges in isolation.

SDG 17 emphasizes the need for solidarity, especially when tackling issues like poverty, inequality, and climate change. By partnering with others, we ensure that no one is left behind, and together, we can lift each other up when challenges arise.

In our spiritual walk, we are called to be lifters of others. When we see someone struggling, we should extend a helping hand, just as God extends His grace to us in times of need.

Partnerships for the goals of justice and sustainability require a heart that is ready to serve, to help others rise when they fall, and to share the burdens of those who are weary. In doing so, we fulfill Christ’s call to love one another.

Finally, work toward a shared vision.

Partnerships flourish when there is a shared vision and purpose. Ecclesiastes 4:9 speaks of the “good return for their labor” when two work together. The SDG on Partnerships for the Goals encourages us to align our efforts toward a common mission for global prosperity, peace, and sustainability.

As believers, we must work together not only in achieving temporal goals but in spreading the good news of the Kingdom of God. As Christians, we are called to pursue God’s mission in partnership with others.

Our shared vision, centered on Christ, binds us together and compels us to take action for the common good.

Whether working within the church or in collaboration with those outside the faith community, we can trust that God will bless our efforts when we are aligned in His purpose and will. Let us commit to building partnerships that honor God and advance His Kingdom on earth.

May God bless us all! | NWI