What is the right age to retire? Legally in the Philippines, 60 – 65 is the limit set for employment. After employment you lose your opportunity to serve your company and the human race in general. You automatically become a “dual citizen”. Some get infuriated if asked for a senior card to avail of the discount. As if the gray hairs and crooked back aren’t enough, you need to present a proof that you are over 60 years old.
When I was in other countries like Japan, you could see elderly people still actively employed and able to assist customers either in parking lots or grocery stores. Only in the Philippines where people wish they finally get off from employment and become couch potatoes. As if the age 60 isn’t enough, there are some propositions in Congress to lower the retirement age to 55 years. I don’t know about them, but in my case, I retired from employment at 50. It might have been abrupt, but I never dreamed of going to the office with a cane.
As some say, retire from work but not from life. When I finally handed over my resignation, there were some apprehensions like steady monthly income. But everything came in handy as the pandemic hit all of us. I had full time to oversee Marie Osmund, which was on the peak prior to the pandemic. I was able to help it rise above the rubbles that Covid-9 has wrought. Using all my two decades experience in management, sales, and marketing, our family held each other’s hands as we heard one school closed and another one after the other.
Life may be full of uncertainty, but what makes it interesting is it gives back the blessing you deserve based on the effort you exert. The harder you pound, the deeper the foundation will be. And just like in any endeavor, a business built on a solid foundation of integrity, honesty, hard work and commitment will always supersede others that lack it. In my entire life, I have met people who are dishonest and for a time were successful but, eventually, were brought down by their greediness.
Retirement is not an option, it comes as a reality as you grow old. Whether you are prepared or not, age will soon overtake and overcome you. Preparing for it may somehow make it easy when it comes, but most people usually are caught by surprise. I had always wondered why humans have seen obvious things, die not prepared for it. Why is it that we are more on preparing for our studies than our preparation for our death? Each and everyone should be buying memorial plans instead of educational or death or accident insurance. If you think otherwise, better review your priorities.
Life ends in death. In between is the time we need to give our best. What we are is God’s gift to us. What we have become is our gift to God. Maybe, this is the time we should recalibrate our compasses to a direction of a more meaningful life. As they say YOLO – You Only Live Once. So, live as if it is your last and last as if you live. While You will Only Live Once, live it to the fullest. Give your best shot every minute you breathe. ||