We continue this week our Seeds of Faith series on the Sustainable Development Goals of the United Nations, proudly supported by Central Philippine University.
Our focus this week is on the 16th goal: Peace, Justice, and Strong Institutions.
Our guiding scripture is found in Micah 6:8, which says: “He has shown you, O mortal, what is good. And what does the Lord require of you? To act justly and to love mercy and to walk humbly with your God.”
First, act justly.
God calls us to be people who pursue justice. Justice is not merely about fairness but ensuring that everyone, regardless of their status, has access to their rights and is treated with dignity.
In the context of SDG 16, this means building systems and institutions that protect human rights, ensure fair trials, and uphold the rule of law. In a world where injustices often thrive, we must embody God’s desire for a just society. Our justice should reflect God’s heart, being concerned with truth and compassion, especially for the vulnerable.
As Christians, we must also be advocates for justice in our communities. We should speak out when institutions fail to protect the rights of individuals and work toward creating systems where everyone feels safe and respected.
Acting justly is not limited to large-scale reforms; it starts with the way we treat people in our everyday lives. When we ensure fairness and equity in our interactions, we reflect God’s justice in the world.
Secondly, love mercy.
Mercy is the compassionate side of justice. While justice ensures fairness, mercy ensures that we approach others with kindness, understanding, and forgiveness. God’s mercy is abundant, and He expects us to extend that same mercy to those around us. Strong institutions that promote justice must also embody mercy.
A society that balances justice and mercy is one that truly reflects God’s character, where punishment is tempered by compassion and forgiveness is offered alongside accountability.
In our personal lives, loving mercy means extending grace to those who have wronged us and being quick to forgive. It means helping others in their times of need and showing kindness, even when it may not be deserved.
As we live merciful lives, we demonstrate the power of God’s love and contribute to building a community that fosters peace and understanding.
Finally, walk humbly with God.
Humility is the foundation of a peaceful and just society. Walking humbly with God means recognizing that we are all equal before Him. We are not to place ourselves above others, and neither should our institutions create barriers that promote inequality or oppression.
A humble heart is open to listening, learning, and collaborating for the common good. SDG 16 reminds us that strong institutions are built on the foundation of service, where leaders and citizens alike work together for peace and justice.
As we walk humbly with God, we acknowledge that all power, authority, and justice ultimately come from Him. We are merely stewards of the responsibilities
He has given us. In humility, we seek His guidance in every aspect of our lives, including how we engage in our communities, build peaceful relationships, and work toward justice. Let us remember that humility in leadership and in service leads to stronger and more just institutions, creating a society that mirrors the kingdom of God.
May God bless us as we strive to build a world where peace, justice, and mercy prevail. | NWI