With countries now accessing the vaccine that brings hope in winning the fight against the coronavirus, two significant global events being marked this week are focused on the agenda of recovery.
The United Nations spotlights on “Recovery with Integrity” for the observance of International Anti-Corruption Day on Dec. 9 and “Recover Better-Stand up for Human Rights” for the celebration of Human Rights Day on Dec. 10.
UN has underscored that corruption thrives in a crisis, including the coronavirus pandemic as it pointed out that billions of dollars in funds have been hastily mobilized by governments to address the emergency.
Recovery with integrity, the effort entails the putting up of workable corruption mitigation measures. To make recovery with integrity reality, transparency, oversight and accountability most be demonstrated in, among others, emergency response and procurement, as well as in the operation of the public health and private sector.
It also emphasizes that protection for whistle-blowers must be ensured and that corruption in the gender dimension is effectively addressed.
Pointing out that the COVID-19 crisis has been further triggered “by deepening poverty rising inequalities, structural and entrenched discrimination and other gaps in human rights,” UN recommends the following measures toward recovery:
* Addressing of inequalities
* Encouragement of participation solidarity among individuals and various sectors in society
* Promotion of sustainable development, which the organization has been championing.
The recovery process following the pandemic is arduous and long, the challenges posed by organizations, like the UN may be difficult, but it is observing these reminders that nations and communities can see a meaningful, just and sustainable post-COVID world. – NWI