Curiosity stream


Are we not allowed to commit a first-timer’s mistake, anymore? Are we not allowed to yield learning without being bombarded from different directions with unsolicited opinions? Why can’t we explore things outside our box without being judge on our, literally, first product? Why can’t we? Why can’t?

At a young age, a lot of us thirst for something new to explore, going outside the box, trying stuff that’s scary at first glance. It’s our second nature: Curiosity.

Curiosity is a skill that is often underrated and underappreciated, but curiosity is far more important than a killer of a cat.

It is defined as the “why in why”; an adjective, noun, and verb that manifests in our mind-set, communications, and actions and ultimately serves as the life skill that can affect our happiness. It is a gateway for us to learn new stuff, move outside our shell, and wander in the anonymity of Earth.

In short, curiosity allows the mind to explore options from a place of possibility and not limit.

To put it into perspective, why do you think Aristotle or Plato philosophizes about life or why spend a lot of time exploring the vast majority of space? It was curiosity that drives them to do such thing, if they weren’t curious, then we would not have new knowledge, wisdom, heck even a new product to play with.

By being curious, we are able to see new worlds and possibilities which are normally not visible. They are hidden behind the surface of normal life, and it takes a curious mind to look beneath the surface and discover these new worlds and possibilities.

Unfortunately, curiosity is sometimes seen as idiotic or foolish. We are more drawn to negativity rather than positivity.

We often forgot the curiosity that creates a product that is not great the first time. Curiosity is related to the word explore and often, when we explore on a new scape, we get lost. Isn’t it the same as trying something the first time? No one really succeeded on their first try.

With this in mind, we are now bombarded by opinions for the produce we produced. It’s quite overwhelming actually; it’s not that these opinions are unsolicited but really it’s unsolicited.

We are proud of the crafts we made, especially if it’s our first. But if you’ll come like a hurricane of judgment that doesn’t give a feedback, it will feel like a straight-up mockery.

I’m not asking for a first-time pass but can we take consideration up in here? Aisle Six needs consideration ASAP. It’s literally a first try and if that doesn’t fit the criterion, you can criticize it constructively. This doesn’t mean that we are not eager to correct what is wrong but rather it’s better if it’s gentle in the process.

We don’t want to discourage someone based on what they made the first time out of mere curiosity. We do not know that this curiosity may lead them into a desired future.

But then again, it’s a two-way process, one must deliver gentleness and one must accept it wholeheartedly.

But who am I to judge? I’m just a simple boy using my voice to raise awareness that reciprocates as rants and raves. – NWI