2,158 indigent senior citizens of E.B. Magalona get pension


A total of 2,158 indigent senior citizens from all 23 barangays of E. B. Magalona have received their social pension, amounting to P6,000 each, during simultaneous payouts May 7 and 8 in the town.

The assistance from the Department of Social Welfare and Development represents their stipend for the first semester of this year, or at P1,000 per month, that has been increased from P500 per month last year.

The first day payout, held in upland and coastal barangays, was for senior citizens in clustered barangays, while the second day payout was held at the public plaza, for poblacions 1, 2, and 3.

The second day payout of the social pension of senior citizens of E. B. Magalona was held at the public plaza May 8.

Gracing the payout on the second day were Mayor Marvin Malacon and executive assistant Matthew Louis Malacon, who both provided snacks to the senior citizens.

The payouts were facilitated by DSWD6 Social Pension Program staff, led by project development officer Jezza Mae Sombilla, and assisted by MSWDO staff, led by municipal social welfare officer Emy Lyn Hibionada.

Also helping with the payout for two days was OSCA president Willie Gervacio, an LGU press release said May 9. ||