Sharing my personal two cents’ worth on the COVID-19 vaccines and the vaccination plan.
I am not for the vaccine for me. (If others want it for themselves, that is their perfect privilege). Why?
1. Something is wrong. They call it a vaccine (which is defined by three online dictionaries I checked as something that “provides immunity” against a certain disease). The COVID-19 vaccines will not provide or guarantee immunity. In fact, they require a second dose, a third, and if there are new variants and transmutations, maybe more, and annually.
2. Millions of people are being cured without the vaccine. There is something fundamentally dishonest with its marketing as some kind of “the only hope” to this “pandemic”.
3. There are guaranteed, proven, safer alternatives. Maintenance of daily vitamins C, D, zinc, and if COVID symptoms appear, intake of Ivermictin. Hydroxychloroquine, once much maligned when Trump was still President, is now okayed by WHO after Trump was out.
4. The side effects of the vaccines are too many, and mainstream media is not airing them out. The cases and stories circulate only on social media.
5. All COVID-19 vaccines are on experimentation stage, ALL of them. They have not passed the required length of time for testing as normally required. Yet they are being practically forced on the masses.
6. Being under experimentation, people who have life insurance coverages, if something happens to them (God forbid) after taking the vaccine, they may have no insurance proceeds to leave to their beneficiaries because most if not all life insurance coverages do not cover deaths caused by medical experimentations. COVID-19 vaccine IS medical experimentation.
7. On religious and conscience grounds, the process of producing COVID vaccines invariably involve use of aborted fetuses. This is very, very well documented.
8. I still have to see Bill Gates and his family, and the owners and stockholders of the big pharmas that produce these vaccines, take these vaccines for themselves and their families. To follow are all the politicians who drumbeat the mantra.
9. This is very, very big business that is not necessary at all as a government-financed measure. (What I mean, let the vaccines be available to the market. Let people decide.)
10. The call to vaccination does not honestly include the valid and legal bases for refusing it. Instead, there is a labored effort to convince everyone that it is safe. Which makes it more suspicious.
There are more reasons, but space no longer allows.
Having said that, I thank God that our government veered away from the mandatory vaccination program. Senate Bill 2057, which was adopted by the House, originally carried a Section 11 that called for a “vaccine passport” that would be basis for grant of privileges to holders of the same, such as travel international and domestic, easy border pass, access to malls, institutions, markets, et cetera, which impliedly would not be available to non-vaccine passport holders.
A group from Bacolod called “Movement for COVID-Free Philippines” submitted a letter of objection to Section 11 of the Bill. Happily, the Senators took it in serious consideration, and deleted the provision. Instead, there will only be a vaccine card, but with no special privileges as against those who do not have the card.
And I thank God for the latest IATF ruling that restores the borders of the nations and does away with all these certificates, swab tests, with a few and reasonable exceptions.
The concern now is that government offices and employers are “requiring” their employees to be vaccinated. One company here will not reportedly rehire their security guards if they are not vaccinated.
This is unconstitutional and illegal. If ever they force it on people, we encourage the parties affected to challenge it in court.
The COVID-19 and the vaccination playbook is a very deep thing. But some people do not like conspiracy theories and want things to be “science-based”. Science is okay if it is handled with transparency, integrity, and genuine good intentions. I do not see it in this particular case of the covid-19 issue, the way they brought the whole world to its knees and destroyed so many lives, and now the mantra that vaccination is “the thing” that will bring the economy back to life.
Our national government is borrowing $140 billion to vaccinate practically the entire population. Bacolod City is spending P31 million for the vaccines reportedly. That excludes costs for storage, which must be “science-based”, meaning hi-tech equipment that maintains and monitors the temperature levels all the time.
Am not sure if we have that in Bacolod. How many takers of the vaccines are there in Bacolod? And what kind of vaccines will we purchase? And will they do it Vico Sotto style, the purchase I mean, without kickbacks and commissions (Someone said, we are a nation of KICKBACKERS AND COMMISSIONERS)? Or will there be happy times again in the hereabouts, going towards the 2022 elections?
Just my two cents’ worth. Do not be aggravated please. It lowers the immune system against COVID. God bless everyone and may the Lord in His mercy keep us all safe, even without the vaccine. – NND