The National Bible Day in the Philippines is observed on the last Monday of January every year. In 1982, President Ferdinand Marcos declared the first Sunday of Advent and the last week of November of every year as National Bible Sunday and National Bible Week.
Later, the National Bible Day was transferred to January by President Corazon Aquino in 1986. President Fidel Ramos, also reinforced this Presidential Decree by stressing that we should not just read the Bible but practice what is written in it. President Rodrigo Duterte also signed that the National Bible Day is on the last Monday of January.
Why should we READ the Bible?
R – Redemption Story is in the Bible.
The story of salvation is outlined in the Bible. We can how God has saved His people from slavery in Egypt and led them to the Promised Land. This was a foreshadowing event that describes how Jesus Christ has saved us from the bondage and enslavement of sin towards an abundant life.
E – Eternity is found in the Bible.
The Bible tells us the truth that since we are sinners we will all die. And after our death here on Earth, there are two eternal destinations – and that is heaven and hell. Hell is a place of torment while heaven is a place where God is present. The only way to heaven, as the Bible says, is by accepting Jesus Christ as our Lord and Savior.
A – Authority of the Bible comes from its Author.
The Bible is the Word of God. It is composed of 39 books in the Old Testament and 27 books in the New Testament or 66 books all in all. The Bible is written by more than 40 people who were inspired by God through the Holy Spirit. Ultimately, the Author of the Bible is God. The people wrote what God revealed to them to write. So, if the Bible is from God then it has the authority in all matters of our life.
D – Direction towards a righteous life is in the Bible.
Psalm 119:105 says, “Thy word is a lamp unto my feet, and a light unto my path.” This verse means that when we open the Bible, we can read the directions and commands on how to live a righteous life that is pleasing to God. So, let us read the Bible and obey what is written in it.
Ultimately, the Word of God is Jesus Christ as John 1 tells us – “In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God.” Thus, the Bible reveals to the world who Jesus Christ is. And Jesus is “The Way, The Truth, and The Life.” | NWI