A widespread power outage hit households connected to all seven feeders of the Central Negros Electric Cooperative (Ceneco) Alijis Substation starting 9 p.m. on Wednesday.
The brownouts were caused by the irreparable damage to the 13-year-old 30/37 megavolt-amperes (MVA) power transformer, according to Negros Electric and Power Corp. (Negros Power), the joint venture agreement partner of Ceneco.
Affected were more than 42,000 Ceneco-registered consumers.

Engr. Bailey del Castillo, Negros Power chief operations officer, said that the transformer experienced a significant oil leak, rendering it irreparable in its current state.
In response, Negros Power opted to replace the damaged transformer with a new unit.
However, due to the necessary installation processes, it is estimated to take approximately two weeks before the new transformer can be fully integrated into the system.
As an interim solution, Negros Power engineers have rerouted and connected the feeder lines from Alijis Substation to nearby substations and feeders, providing a temporary power supply of around 32 megawatts to the affected areas.
To prevent overloading, Negros Power will closely monitor the said feeders, and may implement manual load dropping as a precautionary measure to abort possible unscheduled power interruptions.
In a statement, Negros Power appealed for understanding from all affected consumers during the reconfigurations, assuring them of ongoing efforts to restore normal operations and ensure a consistent power supply.
While a transformer may have a life span of 25 years, the utilization of the Alijis Substation unit was always on a critical level, Negros Power noted.
Del Castillo outlined the plans for the comprehensive rehabilitation and modernization of Alijis Substation and other inherited facilities from Ceneco as part of a five-year program set to commence next month.
This initiative will be initiated following the granting of the certificate of public convenience and necessity from the Energy Regulatory Commission, Negros Power said. | GB