I must have been off my rocker to think that after May 9th, life would have gone back to a sluggish normal after a hotly contested election campaign.
I thought I could finally shout out, “golly me!” and go back to browsing my social media accounts without encountering a single hate word.
I thought, after some four to five months of toxic noise, people would be so exhausted to even care if their candidates won or lost.
Boy, was I wrong!
Now, another kind of fighting has emerged. These are from supporters of candidates who lost in the election and the other faction of jubilant winners in the same election. For the life of me, I cannot understand where the lines have crossed.
Should not the 31M majority be more magnanimous now in their triumph, and be more charitable towards their opposition since they clearly have the people’s vote – notwithstanding claims of vote buying and electoral fraud? In the same vein, can those who lost simply accept the fact that they were not the people’s choice? Do they truly believe that the only way for them to lose is if there was massive cheating?
Why still be hateful against each other and act as if the campaign is still in full gear? Shouldn’t we be more focused on healing the rift that was created by reputation smearing and mud- slinging? That should mean no more vicious fighting in all social media platforms and, instead, everyone striving to mend a meaningful relationship with their perceived enemies. Is unity just a slogan? Is pink just a color?
Black propaganda and rampant disinformation have been the battle cry of about 15M oppositionists. Unfortunately, this is true of most elections. But even if these accusations were proved to be true, the losers in this past election would really have a hard time changing the minds of people who have decided to entrust their future to a popular people’s icon.
It is impressive to see that while the losing camp is still questioning the validity of the vote counting, they have also decided to closely band together and commit to be vigilant watchdogs of the government. Their current goal of uplifting the lives of those in need even without government intervention is so noble and worthy of emulation. One would actually feel embarrassed not to get involved.
The proclamation of the two highest offices in the land will take place on June 30 (or is it July 1?). Already in place is the team which will oversee the orderly transition from the old government to the new one. It remains to be seen 100 days hence what platform or priorities the new leaders will pursue for the good of the Filipino people. Should I be surprised or be worried?
I love my country. I do not want to see my vote wasted in useless programs that will not benefit me. Our leaders should take heed of the clamor of the people and do the right thing this time.
My beloved city has mandated a change in its leadership. I have no doubt that the new mayor will zealously fulfill his promises to his constituents and abide by, with great fervor, the plans that he had laid out for the city during the election campaign. Hail, Mayor Albee! Just give a shout out and your people will readily assist you in your mission for the progressive growth of the City of Bacolod. – NWI