His is a story of love of and service to God, country and others.
“Praise God for His grace and mercy that I still have this chance to serve Him. Only one life, too soon it will pass. Only what’s done for Christ will last,” said book author Oliver Almonares in an interview with NEGROS WEEKLY.
Almonares’ book, “The Rescue: God’s Amazing Grace”, is tagged as “a real-life story of a battle-scarred Scout Ranger on his road from his self-centered ambitiousness to selfless service, defiance to submission, indifference to love, and rot to redemption”.
The book, published in 2019, recounts the rescue of American missionary Gracia Burnham in June 2002, a year after she and her husband, Martin, were abducted by Abu Sayyaf operatives in a Palawan resort, where they were celebrating their 18th anniversary. Martin died in that rescue mission.
Based on Almonares’ work, an international film entitled THE RESCUE, is scheduled to be filmed in Puerto Rico sometime in April. It will star Hollywood actors.
A native of Alimodian, Iloilo, he is the son of Fabian and Virginia Almonares. He graduated from the Central Philippine University Development High School and earned his Social Sciences degree from West Visayas State University before enrolling at the Philippine Military Academy, where he earned BS in Management diploma in 1995.
He eventually became the Commanding Officer of the 15th Scout Ranger (Warrior) Company. His military service led him to receive numerous military awards among them, Distinguished Conduct Star, the 2nd highest Military combat award for conspicuous gallantry during the rescue of American hostage Gracia Burnham and Filipino hostage Edwin Reseroni against the Abu Sayyaf terrorists (2002); Gold Cross Medal, the 3rd highest military combat medal for gallantry in action against Abu Sayyaf terrorists in Basilan (2001); another Gold Cross Medal for gallantry in action against the more or less 80-100 Moro Islamic Liberation Front during the All-out War in Matanog, Maguindanao (2000); and Wounded Personnel Medal for being wounded in action during the all-out war in Maguindanao (2000).
After he left the military service, he and his wife, Ena, studied Nursing at Riverside College in Bacolod City.
Today, Oliver, Ena and their daughter, Bea, an Archaeology graduate, reside in Rancho Cucamonga in California, where he is working as the director of Averti, a Remote Patient Monitoring Service Provider in California. His wife is the director of Patient Care Services of Optimacare Home Health Services.

Our interview with Almonares:
Please tell us about the plan to produce a movie based on the book you wrote, “THE RESCUE: GOD’S AMAZING GRACE”.
The movie is on its pre-production stage. There are a lot of factors involved that would contribute to its success or failure. The pre-production efforts were affected by lockdowns during to the onset of Covid-19 and continue to affect it up to this time. Inspire Studios in Hollywood bought the rights of my story. Technically, that company has now the full rights and control over the production, screenplay and distribution.
I have nothing to do with it anymore, strictly speaking. When the movie pushes through, it will be a huge platform to share the message of the gospel.
If the movie doesn’t work out, it doesn’t affect the power of God’s message of hope. He will always make a way. “Man makes his own plans but it is the Lord’s that will prevail.”

What details (e.g. filming direction, schedule, casting, etc.) can you disclose as of now?
I am not the right person for the record to disclose the details of the production, casting and proposed schedule of filming. We hope and pray that official announcements from Inspire Studios will come out soon.
What is the book all about?
The book is a true account of heroism and spiritual transformation. It is the life story of former Philippine Army Scout Ranger Captain Oliver Almonares when he was on the frontlines of the Philippines’ war on terror.
The story gives justice to the valor and sacrifices of the members of the elite First Scout Ranger Regiment, Special Operations Command, Philippine Army especially to the troops of the 15th Scout Ranger (Warrior) Company where Captain Almonares served as the Commanding Officer. The Al-Qaeda linked Abu Sayyaf Group kidnapped American missionaries Martin and Gracia Burnham in 2001. Captain Almonares led his troops to rescue the missionaries on June 7, 2002 after 376 days of captivity. Martin was killed but Gracia was freed during the rescue operation.
Years later, Gracia became an internationally sought-after speaker and author of two best-selling books “In The Presence of My Enemies” and “To Fly Again” as she tells God’s grace and mercy through her life story.
Amazingly, Oliver and Gracia became the closest of friends years later. This book presents God’s amazing grace interwoven into their lives and how it would impact the lives of many others to form part of God’s overall plan of redemption.
What took it so long to write the book, since the story transpired as early as 2001?
I never planned to write my story. A year after the rescue, I bowed out from the service. I was pre-occupied with a lot of other things and writing a book is not my priority at that time. I was so busy looking for ways to support my family whom I haven’t been with for a long time while in service.
It was only when I moved to the United States from Canada that I had the right opportunity to do it. I was invited by Gracia Burnham to attend the Voice of the Martyrs Conference in Indiana, USA on October 2016. She introduced me to the audience and it was then that some US servicemen approached me. They encouraged me to write my story. I was contemplating about the purpose of writing my story. I came to a conclusion that I’ll write a book to give God honor and glory. The rest is history.
What was your role in the rescue operation? Please recall your life as an Army soldier, especially in leading the rescue.
I was the Commanding Officer of the 15th Scout Ranger Company assigned in Basilan at that time. I was part of a big military operation called “Operation Daybreak”. The American missionaries were part of hostages kidnapped by the Abu Sayyaf Group from Dos Palmas resort in Palawan.
My company was one of the units involved in that operation. My company happened to be the unit which rescued Gracia Burnham and logging employee Edwin Reseroni.

What happened to your Army life after the rescue?
My army career reached its peak after the rescue. I was recommended for the highest military combat award, The Medal of Valor, but eventually downgraded to the second highest combat award, The Distinguished Conduct Star. I was featured in the First Scout Ranger Regiment paper, “The Panther Gazette”. I was brought to the United States by the former Chief of a Staff of the Armed Forces of the Philippines, General Dionisio Santiago as part of the contingent to visit the US Army War College in Pennsylvania, USA.
However, I bowed out of the service a year after for personal reasons and took up Bachelor in Nursing together with my wife. We are eventually immigrated to Canada in 2010 and the United States in 2016.
What brought you to the U.S.?
We applied to immigrate to the United States as skilled nurses in 2009. However, there were no available immigrant visas at that time due to retrogression. So, we immigrated to Canada instead and waited for our US visas there. After 7 years, our US immigrant visas were approved. Thus, we moved to the US in 2016.
How did you eventually reconnect with Gracia?
I met Gracia in Illinois in 2003 when my family and I were there for a visit. She always communicated with me since. We met again in Toronto on July 2016 during her speaking engagement facilitated by Ethnos 360, formerly New Tribes mission in collaboration with the Ontario Filipino Ministerial Fellowship. I was invited to speak with her in that occasion.
What keeps you busy now please sum up your present work, family, etc.?
I’m currently working as the Director of Averti, a Remote Patient Monitoring Service Provider in California. I used to work as a Behavioral Health Manager of Optimacare Home Health Services, one of the leading Home Health agencies in Southern California. I used to work also as a Behavioral/Psychiatric Nurse in a lockdown unit during our stay in Illinois, USA.
Your testimony shows you are a man of deep faith. How did this faith begin and grow?
I was raised by my parents in a Judeo-Christian worldview. I personally came to the saving knowledge of the Lord Jesus Christ at a young age of 11. But like many others, my Christian life was and is still a struggle. My younger days were full of rebelliousness and sin. But God’s grace, mercy and love are so overwhelming. He is indeed a God of many chances. He is sovereign and made all things worked together for good so that He can use ALL that transpired in my life for my good and His glory. He used my imperfect life to be the illustration of His perfect love towards us. He used me to be one of His messengers of hope in this dark world.
What changes, challenges and developments has this book brought to your life?
This book is more of an encourager to me than a challenge. This book brought me to many places in the Philippines, Canada and the USA. It paved the way for many interviews and opportunities to speak about the God’s gift of salvation through Jesus Christ, our Lord and Redeemer who RESCUED us from captivity of sin. I’m humbled and blessed to be a part of the King’s business.
Other books you have written or planning to write?
Actually, I’m not really a writer. I think it’s more of I have the story. So, it needs to be told. God allowed me to have that platform not for my own personal gain but for His glory. I started to write another one but my hands are full at the moment. In God’s perfect time and if it’s part of His plan, it will surely come to pass.
What does this milestone (book produced into a movie) mean to you now?
I’m now in the 5th decade of my life. For some, this is the point where legacy matters more than anything else. For me, I don’t care about legacy. I’m just making my best to serve our Master while I can. I wasted so much the days of my youth. Praise God for His grace and mercy that I still have this chance to serve Him. “Only one life, too soon it will pass. Only what’s done for Christ will last.”
What message would you like to impart to fellow Ilonggos and Filipinos at this time of the pandemic and uncertainties of 2022?
My message to everyone is that Jesus Christ is our only hope. No man can ever give us that security amidst the uncertainties. Not even the politicians, lockdowns or the vaccines will ever give us that peace. God made a vacuum in our hearts that only Him can satisfy. God is the creator of heaven and earth. He is sovereign. Because we have sinned and living in this imperfect world, we will always have chaos and conflict.
Our home is in heaven. That’s where real peace is. Only Jesus Christ can offer that “peace that surpasses human understanding.” He is the only propitiation for our sins. Accept Him in your heart and surrender your life to Him. John 16:33 says, “I have told you this things, so that in me you may have peace. In this world you will have trouble. But fake heart! I have overcome the world.” He added in John 3:17, “God did not send his Son into the world to condemn the world, but to save the world through Him.” – NWI