More aid bared for kin of slain Negrense OFW



The family members of the late Negrense caregiver Loreta Villarin Alacre, who was killed during the attacks of Hamas militant fighters in Israel, are expected to receive more assistance from the government.

The Department of Social Welfare and Development (DSWD) joined the Overseas Workers Welfare Administration and Department of Migrant Workers in extending financial assistance to the family of Alacre.

Katherine Joy Malagad Lamprea, chief of DSWD-Western Visayas Protective Services Division, said yesterday they provided P50,000 cash aid to the bereaved family, of which P40,000 is financial assistance and P10,000 is burial assistance.

OWWA, which already shouldered the expenses for Alacre’s funeral rites, and DMW also gave P50,000 each aside from the P500,000 from House Speaker Ferdinand Martin Romualdez.

Alacre’s remains lie in state at her home in Sitio Camay an, Barangay Cadiz Viejo, Cadiz City.

The Department of Labor and Employment also committed livelihood package to the dependents of Alacre.

Alacre is set to be buried on Nov. 5 at a public cemetery in Barangay Caduha-an.

Governor Eugenio Jose Lacson yesterday said that after the burial, he will met with the Alacre family to ask “what do they need”, noting that many are coming out to help them.

Cadiz City Mayor Salvador Escalante Jr. said on Tuesday that OWWA also assured full scholarship grants to the four nephews and nieces of the slain OFW.

The newly-built Cadiz City Evacuation Center located within Cadiz Viejo National High School will be named the Loreta V. Alacre Evacuation Center in honor of the heroism of its alumna, who was an OFW for 19 years. | GB