Living the Vision of EXCEL


The writer penned the following thoughts on the occasion of the 119th founding anniversary of Central Philippine University in Iloilo City where he is the director of the Communications Office.


As we celebrate CPU’s University Week, let us reflect on our vision: Exemplary Christian Education for Life.

This vision calls us not just to excellence in academics but to a lifelong commitment to live out Christian values. Proverbs 22:6 says, “Train up a child in the way he should go, and when he is old he will not depart from it.”

Let us explore what it means to embody this vision in our lives.

First, educate with purpose.

Exemplary Christian education goes beyond knowledge. It is about forming character, molding individuals who not only excel in their chosen fields but also contribute to the greater good of society.

Philippians 1:9-10 reminds us to grow in love and discernment, to choose what is best. At CPU, we aim to produce graduates who are driven by faith and guided by their purpose to serve others with integrity and excellence.

Second, live by faith.

Our education is rooted in faith, and this faith must translate into action.

James 2:26 says that faith without works is dead. Whether in the classroom, workplace, or community, our faith must be evident in how we live and interact with others. CPU’s vision calls us to be ambassadors of Christ wherever we go, demonstrating compassion, justice, and humility in our daily lives.

Third, commit to lifelong learning.

Education is not confined to the four walls of a classroom; it is a lifelong journey.

Proverbs 1:5 teaches that the wise continue to learn and grow. CPU equips its students with a foundation for continuous learning, spiritually and intellectually. We are called to remain curious, to seek wisdom, and to be open to how God guides us through all stages of life.

As we celebrate this University Week, let us recommit ourselves to this vision. May we educate with purpose, live by faith, and embrace the lifelong journey of learning that leads us closer to God’s will. | NWI