Jobstreet by SEEK urges support for healthier, more productive workforce


Employment platform Jobstreet by SEEK is encouraging companies to enhance efforts to boost employee morale and provide ample support for employees in navigating stressful situations.

It said that, as per its recent survey, 71 percent of the hirers rated their workplace as “moderately stressful”, while 18 percent fell into the high-stress category. Only 11 percent rated being in a low-stress environment, it added.

Leading causes of employee stress are heavy workload at 36 percent and high pressure from management, or fast-paced environment, at 28 percent. Other hirers also included lack of appreciation, low pay, and long working hours, among others. These were mostly experienced by employees, who work in companies in the high-stress zone.

Employment platform Jobstreet by SEEK is encouraging companies to prioritize the mental health and well-being of their employees for a more productive and healthier workforce.

According to the same report, entitled “Hiring, Compensation, and Benefits 2024”, only 58 percent of hirers indicate that their organizations are doing enough to help employees deal with stress at the workplace.

Still, 62 percent of organizations said that they’ve started new initiatives in the past year to help their employees, such as mental health day off and wellness counseling.

“We believe in the importance of prioritizing employee mental health and well-being as a strategic investment in organizational resilience and productivity,” Dannah Majarocon, managing director of Jobstreet by SEEK Philippines, said in a press release.

“At Jobstreet by SEEK, we are committed to being a reliable partner for hirers in nurturing and retaining top talents, fostering a workplace culture focused on employee welfare, continuous growth, and sustainable success,” Majarocon stressed.

Hirers are advised to consider implementing regular wellness talks and activities as well as employee assistance programs, which can significantly contribute to creating a collectively supportive and healthier work environment.

The leading talent and career platform also encourages hirers to prioritize employees’ mental health, since addressing these challenges is not only a duty to employees but also a strategic investment in the success and sustainability of the organization.

Companies, particularly in the high-stress zone, may need to implement effective measures to provide support and address the well-being of their employees, acknowledging the need for a healthier work environment.

It said that, as per the Department of Health, mental illness is becoming a common disability, with 3.6 million Filipinos suffering from mental, neurological, and substance use disorder.

As organizations dealt with the complexities of hybrid work and digital advances, the need to further prioritize employee well-being became more crucial in ensuring a healthier and more productive workforce, the press release added. ||