Interesting FB numbers


With the “texting capital” Bragging Rights the Philippines comes another technology-based record.

The country ranks No. 6 among the Facebook users in the world – with 80.3 million Filipinos having FB accounts. A report in ADDA 247, India’s largest vernacular platform, showed that the Philippine numbers rank second to Indonesia (with 119.9 million users) among Southeast Asian nations in the Top 10.

Interestingly, four ASEAN nations are in the list. The two others are Vietnam with 66.2 million users and Thailand (43.25 million).

Indonesia is No. 3 in the list behind India (314.6 million users) and the United States (175 million).

Brazil and Mexico complete the Top 5 with 109.1 million and 83.5 million, respectively.

Vietnam and Thailand are right behind the Philippines, occupying the seventh and eighth spots.

Rounding up the Top 10 are Bangladesh and Egypt – at the ninth and tenth slots – with 43.5 million and 42 million, respectively.

The ADDA 247 report shows that Asians dominate the list with six countries. Only the United States, Brazil and Mexico in the Americas and Egypt in Africa are the non-Asians in the list of nations with the highest number of FB users.

What are the implications of the Top 10 statistics?

• The FB market for its online products and features has a potential reach of almost 310 million in the Philippines and three other ASEAN countries in the list.

• In South Asia (India and Bangladesh) the FB reach is almost 358 million, which is higher – along with Southeast Asian figures – than the combined reach in the three countries in the Americas, the United States, Brazil and Mexico.

• The interestingness of the figures for us, Filipinos, goes beyond the data mentioned above.

While the Philippines ranks sixth in the users’ number, it has, however, the biggest percentage in relation to population — with almost 67.5 percent of the over 117 million Filipinos registered with Facebook.

Thailand and Vietnam are close behind with 66.91 and 66.53 percent, respectively.

Indonesia ranks fifth percentage-wise at 42.85 just behind Mexico’s 64.73 percent.

• While India, the most populous country today leads the users’ list, it has, however the lowest percentage in the Top 10 – at just 21.82 percent, or slightly over one-fifth of its present population of about 1.4 billion.  The second lowest user-population rate is Bangladesh (24.76 percent) while Egypt has a little over one-third of its population registered with Facebook.

• The three countries in the Americas (United States, Brazil and Mexico) have a combined total of 348.83 million, or an average of 55.41 percent user:population ratio.


If you have been to Metro Manila lately, chances are you must have complained about the often times nerve-wracking traffic congestion.

For some time, traffic in the capital city, has been in the g list of commuters’ woes. Now and then, you see accounts of international vloggers visualizing the state of traffic flow in the Big City.

How does the Metro Manila traffic fare with its global counterparts? We will take a look at the situation in next week’s issue.


Happy World Radio Day (Feb. 13) to media colleagues in the radio industry and all those whose lives are touched everyday by radio through this informative, entertaining and educational medium.

We join the celebration of the 100-year-plus milestone focused on the theme: “Radio: A Century of Informing, Entertaining and Educating”.

Thanks, Lord, for radio!


All things are lawful, but not all things are helpful. All things are lawful, but not all things build up. (1 Corinthians 10:23) | NWI