Consumers group asks Senate not to grant franchise of NEPC


The Central Negros Electric Cooperative (Ceneco) member-consumer-owners (MCOs) Federation has registered an opposition to House Bill (HB) No. 9805, which seeks to grant a franchise to Negros Electric and Power Corp. (NEPC) through a joint venture agreement (JVA) between Ceneco and Primelectric Holdings Inc.

In a position paper submitted to the Senate committee on public services, the MCOs Federation stated that corporatization of the electric cooperative is not the solution to the power woes in Negros Occidental.

The committee chaired by Senator Grace Poe has recently concluded the Senate hearing on HB 9805.

Advocates from the anti-JVA coalition present in the hearing were Leonard Guilaran, president of Ceneco Union of Rational Employees; Ernie Pineda, president of the MCO Federation; and chief legal counsel Luke Espiritu, who exposed the controversial issues in the highly-contested corporate takeover of the electric cooperative.

The position paper of the MCO Federation stated that the JVA signed on June 3, 2023 by Ceneco board president Jojit Yap and acting general manager Arnel Lapore with Primelectric was “without any authority from the MCOs”.

They added that the signing of the JVA was “in direct contravention of the MCOs’ expressed will to reject the JVA” during the Ceneco Annual General Membership Assembly held on May 28, 2023.

“The Ceneco Board seems to have conveniently forgotten that the MCOs have true ownership of the electric cooperative. They did not have the right to make decisions without consulting the body, as it stood as a non-profit and member-owned distribution utility before they sold their souls and signed it over to a private corporation,” Pineda said in a press statement.

“They have not only robbed us of our voice in the decision-making process of the cooperative, but they have also done a great disservice to the consumers by exposing us to higher electricity prices that this corporatization will bring,” Pineda added.

The paper also highlighted the ouster of the Board of Directors (BOD) and the election of a new interim BOD through a majority vote via a special meeting of members on June 22, 2023.

“The MCOs had exercised their right to vote to remove the now-acting BOD from position through a special meeting, citing abuse of power as grounds for removal of board members under the Ceneco by-laws. The capacity of the now-acting BOD to represent Ceneco in any form should be rejected as they do not represent the real interests of the MCOs, which is the highest decision-making body of the cooperative,” Espiritu said.

The statement also underlined the temporary takeover of the office of the BOD last June 23 as MCOs, union members, and advocates, accompanied by Espiritu, marched inside the Ceneco building to officialize the installation of the interim BOD by holding their first meeting in protest of the “acting-BOD’s” decisions.

Following the first meeting of the interim BOD, a declaration of a People’s Action Plan was released, with its main objectives being upholding leadership and empowerment of Ceneco MCOs, transforming Ceneco into an electric cooperative that serves the best interests of consumers, and committing to supply affordable, reliable and sustainable electricity sourced through renewable energy.

“We urge the Senate of the Philippines to heed the call of Bacolodnons who believe in democracy and the power of cooperatives. Help us defend Ceneco by scrapping the unlawful franchise and stand with us on the right side of history,” Pineda added. ||