Cadiz, recently reclassified by the Department of Finance as a first-class component city in Negros Occidental, is celebrating the grand culmination of its Golden Dinagsa Festival, with an array of activities lined up for the enjoyment of locals and visitors.
The much-awaited street-dancing competition and “Lamhitanay sa Dalan” will be on Jan. 26, starting at 8 a.m., with a street party and grand fireworks display capping off this year’s staging of this festival in honor of the city’s patron, the Señor Santo Niño de Cadiz.
Mayor Salvador Escalante Jr. invites everyone to join in the celebration, as he expressed hope that Cadiznons continue to receive blessings and celebrate triumphs.
Cadiz logged a consolidated annual income higher than the P1.3 billion benchmark to become a first-class city.
“Cadiz stands as a beacon of success and progress,” the city earlier said. “This remarkable milestone is not just a recognition but a tribute to every Cadizeño, whose hard work and dedication built a truly business-friendly and thriving community.”
Among the festival events this week are the Kadiwa ng Pangulo Fiesta Fair until Jan. 18 in support of farmers, fisherfolk, and MSMEs; tennis tournament with the San Carlos Tennis Club on Jan. 17 and 18; and male and female chess tournament, Jan. 18, at Cadiz West 2 Elementary School.
The invitational boxing tournament is set Jan. 19 at 4 p.m.; while the formal opening ceremony is on Jan. 20, to be followed by the Patikanay drumbeating competition, at the Cadiz City grandstand, and DepEd Night.
The Palumba Bancarera de Dinagsa and Zumba Night are scheduled on Jan. 21; Visayas-wide painting competition and NNC Electrical Parade, Jan. 22; and the Sayaw Pagdayaw, fluvial parade, and Sinaot Cadiznon on Jan. 25.
Meanwhile, 10 candidates are vying for the Dinagsa Queen 2025 crown.
They are Irjane Eunice Andico, Rochelle Ramos, Roann Alabastro, Chelcie Chassandra Binoya, Glazel Bayona, Sophia Charis Canto, Queen Ann Toledo, Angel Mae Baldoquin, Violie Marie Batilo, and Xian Emerald Javelosa.
The festival costume and talent competition will be on Jan. 21, starting at 7 p.m., at the Cadiz City Arena, while the grand coronation night, also at the city arena, is on Jan. 23. | CGC