Need for Unity and Solidarity



They focused on the current government efforts against the coronavirus in their talk to mark the 124th death anniversary of national hero, Dr. Jose Rizal concerted action is needed against a common enemy, like the coronavirus, said Sec. Salvador Panelo, presidential legal counsel.

Dumaguete Mayor Felipe Antonio Remollo reiterated the need for support and unity among different sectors in the community. We need to have unity and solidarity, and I call on the people to cooperate with your government to succeed against the current health crises, he said.

Presidential Legal Counsel Salvador Panelo, center, with Knight Commanders Charles Tuozo, left, and Penn Larena

Panelo and Remollo were guests in the commemorative program at Quezon Park in Dumaguete City, where during the flag-raising and floral offering rites were held, on Dec. 30.

At the same time, the mayor disclosed that the Rizal Park will rise at the new boulevard in Barangay Tinago.

“We see many ‘Rizals’ fighting for our people, this time against an unseen adversary – a pandemic,” they said. We have our brave frontliners who continue to serve the nation in their unique capacities notwithstanding the risks to life and limb, they added.

The officers and members of the newly-chartered KOR Tanjay City Chapter

The program, organized by the knights of Rizal, was attended by heads of departments in the city government and members of the Philippine National Police, Bureau of Fire Protection and Philippine Army.

The celebration was also highlighted by knighting, chartering and awarding ceremonies at the Col. Roman Yap Hall of Silliman University ROTC Center.

Chartered was the Tanjay City KOR Chapter, the third under the Negros Oriental area. The chapter is led by Commander Gerard Jude Bumanglag, KCR.

Other officers are Balbino Guerrero, deputy commander; Cesar Estrope, chancellor; Solimon Locsin, pursuivant; Jake Anthony Reyes, exchequer; Jeremiah Locsin, auditor; Novee Maestrecampo Jr., deputy exchequer; Alden Rabina, archivist; Khristian Rei Rivera, deputy exchequer; and Lorenzo Ruiz Locsin and Greggie Jacildo, trustees.

Lifetime Member awardee Judge Rafael Crescencio Tan Jr., second from left, with Dr. Henry Sojor,  Charles Tuozo and Ambassador MacArthur Corsino

The event also featured the elevation and exaltation of worthy knights. Elevated to second degree (Knight Officer of Rizal) was Cloyd Catan, while exalted to third degree (Knight Commander of Rizal) were Angelo Jesus Vicente Arias, Carlos Magtolis Jr., Renante Lingcong, Rodolfo Jull Locsin Jr., and Gerard Jude Bumanglag.

Judge Rafael Crescencio Tan Jr. was awarded the Lifetime Membership Plaque.

The ceremony was presided by Ambassador MacArthur Corsino, Henry Sojor and Charles Tuozo.

The event commemorates the nationalism and martyrdom of Rizal, his life became a constant reminder to all of us to fulfill our duties to our country and to lead in making a better tomorrow for the generations to come, the organizing KOR said. – NWI