35,801 voter registration applicants in Negros Occ.


A week before the voters’ registration ends on Jan. 31, the Commission on Elections reported that it has recorded 35,801 voter-applicants, as of last week.

Provincial Comelec supervisor, Atty. Ian Lee Ananoria, said that the lone district of Bacolod registered the highest number of applicants with 10,318.

He added that voter registration has started peaking, although lower compared to previous registrations.

“We don’t have any projections but our office will remain open,” Ananoria said.

San Carlos City trailed Bacolod with 2,484 voter-applicants while Toboso got the lowest number of applicants at 230.

During satellite registrations, Ananoria also noted that majority of applicants are 15 to 17 years old.

Meanwhile, the national office of Comelec reported that close to 600,000 new voters are among the one million applications it has received since the registration period resumed in December last year.

As of Jan. 21, 597,655 registered as new voters, including 264,994 aged 15 to 17 and 268,425 aged 18 to 30, according to Comelec data.

Aside from registration of new voters, the poll body also accepted applications for transfer registration from another city/municipality, 232,264; transfer within the same city/municipality, 58,215; transfer with reactivation, 10,300; transfer with reactivation and correction of entries, 3,576; and transfer with correction of entries, 11,684, among others. GB/PNA