For Christian churches in the country, November is being celebrated as Thanksgiving Month.
Churches observe the occasion by scheduling a Sunday during the month to express gratefulness to God for what He has given His people.
The observance has apparently been inspired by the Thanksgiving holiday in the United States which is the biggest family gathering of the year with Americans all over trooping back to their hometown and celebrate the occasion – highlighted with a Thanksgiving dinner with roasted turkey as the centerpiece dish.
The U.S. Thanksgiving is marked every last Thursday of November which is Nov. 26 this year.
In the Philippines, church goers traditionally bring and offer the fruits of their fields.
NEGROS NOW DAILY solicited the thoughts of those belonging to Generation Z of what they are thankful for.
Here are their thoughts:

I am grateful for God’s protection and provision in my life. Despite the crisis that the world is facing, He never left nor forsook me. I am thankful for each day that I get to wake up and for the life He gave me. – Gwyneth Bical, 17, Grade 11 Student, Colegio San Agustin
Sometimes, it’s easier to focus on what we don’t have, rather than what we do have. It’s important to take time out and remember all of the things to be thankful for that many of us take for granted. As for me, I am thankful for good health, good friends, family, opportunity to get education and a place to call home. – Justine Fidel, 21, Medical Student, University of St. La Salle
Considering all the struggles we’ve faced this year, I’m still thankful because these hardships made me realize how important life is. I am grateful for all the blessings that I’ve received, for my family and friends and for our Heavenly Father who is always there to guide us. We can always find something to be thankful for, no matter what challenges we face in our lives. – John Gabriel Georlin, 17, Grade 11 Student, Negros Occidental High School

2020 has taught me to be more grateful despite all the dreadful things that happened these past months. I am very thankful to God for giving me and my family good health and protection against COVID-19 and other dangers. Answered prayers and unexpected blessings are also among the many things that I am very thankful for. – Karyll Nicole Jamison, 18, Grade 12 Student, La Consolacion College – Bacolod
I am always and forever thankful for the life that I have, having a complete and happy family and being safe and away from danger. – Emmanuel Rodico, 15, Grade 10 Student, NOHS
I am thankful for the unending love and support of my family. Also, for some friends who never miss to keep in touch with me. Most of all, I am thankful for Heavenly Father for continuously reminding me that I am loved and for giving us hope throughout the pandemic. – Kishly Pynn Marte, 19, BS Chemistry Student, University of the Philippines – Visayas
There are many things that I am truly thankful for. First, I’m thankful to God for providing me good health despite the current situations. Also, I’m thankful that my family is still living happily in spite of financial problems and most importantly, I am thankful to have God in my life. – Marky Latergo, 16, Grade 11 Student, NOHS
Compiled by ACTupas