Responsible consumption & production


We continue our 17-part Seeds of Faith series on the Sustainable Development Goals of the United Nations, proudly supported by Central Philippine University.

Our focus this week is on the 12th goal: “Responsible Consumption and Production.”

Our guiding scripture is Luke 12:15, where Jesus says, “Watch out! Be on your guard against all kinds of greed; life does not consist in an abundance of possessions.”

First, guard against greed and excess.

In Luke 12:15, Jesus warns us to be on guard against greed and the desire for excessive possessions. Responsible consumption begins with a heart that values contentment over accumulation.

Our world encourages us to pursue more – more wealth, more possessions, more status – but Jesus reminds us that true life is not found in abundance but in the richness of our relationship with God and others.

We are called to guard our hearts against the temptation to consume without thought. This means making deliberate choices about what we buy, how much we consume, and what impact our consumption has on others and on the environment.

By guarding against greed, we foster a spirit of stewardship that honors God’s provision.

Second, choose sustainable practices.

Responsible production is about more than just what we consume; it is also about how things are produced. As Christians, we are called to choose sustainable practices that care for God’s creation and ensure that resources are used wisely.

This includes supporting companies and industries that prioritize ethical production, fair labor practices, and environmental sustainability.

By choosing to consume products that are made responsibly, we contribute to a system of production that values people and the planet over profit.

This is a tangible way of living out our faith and demonstrating our commitment to God’s command to “tend and keep” the earth (Genesis 2:15). Choosing sustainability is an act of worship and stewardship.

Third, share generously with others.

The warning of Jesus against greed also invites us to consider how we use our resources. Responsible consumption and production involve not only what we take for ourselves but also how we share with others.

We are called to be generous with what God has given us, ensuring that our blessings are used to meet the needs of others.

By sharing generously, we counteract the culture of excess and build a community where resources are distributed fairly and everyone’s needs are met. Sharing is a powerful way to reflect God’s love and care for all people.

As we reflect on Luke 12:15 and the goal of Responsible Consumption and Production, let us commit to guarding against greed, choosing sustainable practices, and sharing generously with others. | NWI