NPA in Negros, Panay ‘dying’: 3ID chief



The Philippine Army’s 3rd Infantry Division has declared that the New People’s Army both in Negros and Panay Islands are now “dying and having their “huling hikbi” (last sob).

Still, “they are determined to hold on that you better prepare and thwart their desperate moves,” Maj. Gen. Marion Sison, commander of 3ID, told  members of the Joint Philippine National Police-Army Intelligence Committee for Regions 6 and 7.

He issued the reminder during the culmination of their workshop held at Camp Macario Peralta in Jamindan, Capiz on Nov. 14.

Despite big setbacks inflicted on remnants of the NPA in both islands, Sison reminded them not to be complacent as he also ordered them to be prepared to prevent any NPA- perpetrated atrocities, especially during the Communist Party of the Philippines founding anniversary on Dec. 26.

“There shall be no let-up in our combat operations until we are able to dismantle all the remaining guerrilla fronts and eventually declare the islands of Negros and Panay insurgency-free,” he added.

Lt. Col. J-Jay Javines, public affairs chief of 3ID, said the workshop is a tedious process and a mechanism aimed to evaluate, analyze and validate the true identities of reported personalities, leadership, structures and capabilities of the NPA in Negros, Panay and Bohol.

For the months of October and November alone, the 3ID recorded a total 11 encounters with the NPA, resulting in the death four rebels, including a couple, as well as the surrender of nine rebel combatants and 58 militiamen and mass supporters.

It also resulted in the recovery of 23 assorted firearms, among these an M60 machine gun.

Javines also said that “superb intelligence” led to the effective execution of strategies by troops on the ground. | GB