After four days of waiting for definitive results, Joe Biden was officially proclaimed as the winner of the US 2020 presidential election, and a new day for America begins, despite threats from Trump to challenge the results in courts and his refusal to concede.
Victory rallies all over the country erupted spontaneously as congratulatory messages from leaders of allied countries poured in. It was a great day for America. After four years of uncertainty, blatant lies, indecency, racism, misogyny and meanness, the people have spoken. This is not who we are, this is not who we want to be, and it was time for change.

The people elected a sincere human being who truly cared for people, a quintessential statesman who promised to put the welfare of the people and of the country above self interest unlike his predecessor. His experience, character and resolve make him truly qualified for the job, a daunting one, no doubt.
So much needs to be done and undone, so many wrongs need to be righted and too many wounds healed. From a broken immigration policy that separated children from their parents, to the much needed police reform that has caused the indiscriminate killing of black people, to the ever-widening gap between the rich and poor, the crippling cost of health care and the devastating effects of climate change.
While foreign policy was pretty much characterized by self-serving deals under Trump, Biden ushers a renewed hope for our allies and friends all over the world. He has promised a swift and decisive response to those who threaten our democracy and to work with our allies to address the problems of the world like climate change and the pandemic. America is once again, a beacon of democracy shining brightly.
Locally, the biggest challenge to the President-Elect may be the healing of the deep divisions in the country. He has declared that “he is a proud Democrat but he will govern as an American President.” The divisions are so deep, fueled by black propaganda and fake news. Outlandish conspiracy theories have permeated American society where even educated people truly believe that the President-Elect is a Chinese stooge or that democrats are a cabal of pedophiles who engage in child sexual trafficking.
One thing I know and I am sure of is the fact that Joe Biden is a patriotic American who has the best interest of every American in mind. He is also someone who truly cares and has shown compassion to everyone most of his life. Scarred by his own personal tragedies, he has never forgotten where he came from, a man of the people.
I would be remiss not to mention his extraordinary choice of his vice president. A woman on color, of Jamaican and Indian parents, former Attorney General of the State of California is in itself, a repudiation of racism in America. He could not have picked a better choice.
Congratulations and more power to you Mr. President-Elect.