One of the hundreds of press materials that caught my attention following the death on Sept. 8 of Queen Elizabeth II was that of Shalom World News.
The SWNews online poster showed the photo of the 96-year-old monarch with the caption: “For me, the life of Jesus Christ the Prince of Peace… is an inspiration and an anchor in my life.”

The poster reiterated the fact that the Queen was one who lived a vibrant and deep faith.
Earlier, in our first week of June issue, I wrote about what former British journalist and author wrote about her majesty in her book, “Our Faithful Queen: 70 years of Service”.
Another volume, “The Servant Queen and the King She Serves” which she co-authored with Mark Green to commemorate Her Majesty’s 90th birth anniversary, also reflected the monarch’s commitment to service.
Butchers’ latest book, which was released in July in time for the Queen’s platinum, or 70th, anniversary as a monarch, “provides a powerful witness to her enduring Christian faith.”
Butcher recorded numerous instances when the Queen manifested selflessness, which demonstrated her dedication to the service of God and people.
In God Updates, another Christian online media, Mel Johnson wrote that “the Queen is remembered for honoring her promise of devotion to the crown and the people of England which she made during a speech on her 21st birthday.”
But perhaps, he further wrote, “even more impressive than her devotion to land she ruled was her devotion to her Lord and Savior.”
Johnson quoted her as saying in her Christmas broadcast in 2000: “For me, the teachings of Christ and my personal accountability before God provide a framework in which I try to lead my life… I, like so many of you, have drawn great comfort in difficult times from Christ’s words and examples.”
Apparently, this reliance on her faith, “allowed Her Majesty to weather many storms ever her 70-year reign.”
The Queen will be buried at Windsor Castle on Monday, Sept. 19, beside her husband Prince Philip, the Duke of Edinburgh.
While many mourn the loss, hope is found in the midst of grief. And this is because of the promise made by God and our Savior, Johnson concluded, as he referred to what Ecclesiastes 3:11 said, “Our time on earth may be limited but our time with Christ is endless.”
Do you remember when the last time was you wrote someone in your own handwriting and on real paper? Chances are, it has been long years back.
Or if you belong to Generation Z, must likely you have not done it as emails and text messages are more convenient, handy and speedier in our fast paced life today.
Communication and technology have led to a new era of relaying messages – whether these are for business, official or personal purposes.
A recent global event – observed on Sept. 1 – tried to restore at least once every year the vanishing art and form of human communication called ‘letter writing’.
The event, World Letter Writing Day, was introduced eight years ago by Richard Simpkin, an Australian photographer and artist, who was convinced that handwritten letters are more personal compared to the present forms of transmitting messages, like emails.
Supporters of the letter writing movement believe that the smell of ink and paper and the handwriting itself provide a distinct touch and appeal unmatched by other means of conveying one’s thoughts.
World Letter Writing Day aimed “to give people a break from all the rushing online and digital to celebrate one of the older ways of distance communication between two people.”
Letter writing has been part of human culture dating back to the period of ancient Egypt and Greece. Of course, the materials them were rough but they accomplished the same purpose as the modern means.
Remember Pheidippides, the ancient Greek marathon runner who delivered the message of his people’s war victory? The popular online “Messenger” may have been named in honor of his kind.
Proponents of the annual event have shared some facts about letter writing to spark interest on this activity.
– The scientist Charles Darwin sent 1,400 letters to one friend.
– Letters were once upon a time delivered by horse riders and coaches.
– The longest letter was written – on 3,200 feet of narrow/tape – by an American woman for her boyfriend serving in the army.
Above all, writing helps one in organizing his or her thoughts and puts the brain in a meditative mood, they added.
Definitely, in today’s society, it is unthinkable that people and organizations will back track in their choice of the means of communication but it will be nice if, at least once a year, we stay off our computers and gadgets, pick up our pen and paper and write that note, which will stir some sense of anticipation that the snail mail will deliver a reply, also on pen and ink, on our doorstep.
You yourselves are our letter, written on our hearts, known and read by everyone. You show that you are a letter from Christ, the result of our ministry, written not with ink but with the Spirit of the living God, not on tablets of stone but on tablets of human hearts. (2 Corinthians 3:2-3) – NWI