Last April 23-25, we travelled to Bohol to witness Lions International, DOST and Bohol Chocolate Hills LI 12th anniversary.
I was provided with wheelchair at Terminal 3 while waiting for boarding. Though I am starting to walk again, long walks at the airport would have tire me easily and could make me feel exhausted during this first trip after November.
We were picked up at the airport by officers of Lions and brought to Metrocenter Hotel in Tagbilaran, where we stayed for two nights. The second night was the ceremonial renewal of our twinning agreement and the anniversary of Bohol Chocolate Hills Lions International.
Our partnership started two years back when we were seated in one table during an international Lions affair at The Manila hotel. Thanks to President Lion Richard Ng of Mandaue, who offered their seats to us since the place was jam-packed when we arrived. The gentleman was generous to offer his seat and was able to find one in another table. Lion Richard Ng will be the 2nd Vice Governor of their district 301-D2 this LY. I am looking forward to see a deserving immediate past president take office, one to emulate in becoming a servant leader.
After taking our lunch at Chowking, we went to Booy Elementary School to donate a computer, which ASMEPPS donated to Cavite ASMEPPS in partnership with DOST STII Library. The group was headed by Prof. Eloisa Olivera in coordination with DOST Bohol.
On the second day, at 8:30 a.m., there was a program at Gaiwanon Elementary School where Cavite ASMEPPS, St. Francis of Assisi College, Philippine Dental Society Bohol Chapter, and officials and faculty were in attendance.
Dental fluoride was conducted by the dental team and students were treated to games and were given some gifts.
The anniversary night was filled with fun and camaraderie. Except for the waiters, the only men in attendance were our zone chair and IPP of Saint Francis of Assisi College PMJF Dr. Santos Castillo, Lion Danny De Guzman, who just arrived weeks back from his months on board a ship, and yours truly. Dr. Janet De Guzman renewed our MOA with Bohol Chocolate Hills. Being the only men in the party, we were spoiled with a bottle of Jack Daniels, which we consumed with gusto, while two bottles of Fundador were left unopened. Whatever happened to it, we do not know, but the wine was not consumed by the ladies as well.
My wife China, SFACS LI president, walked me back to our room and missed the dance celebration. She was she was worried that I might passed out. The following day we had a tour of Bohol before heading for the airport.
Last April 29, we went for lunch at the newly opened The Amigas Restaurant, along Aguinaldo Highway, Silang. This was a new venture of Lion Estrella Serapon, her sister and best friend, the two Ginas, and other bffs. Don’t miss out trying their salad and Pampano soup. The rice, by the way, is good for two orders.
This May 1 we attended as well the turn-over of computers with DOST STII Library at Harrell Horn Integrated School. Harrell Horn and Marie Osmund School received donations of software from DOST for the use of their students in their libraries. The activity was spare headed by no less than DOST Provincial Director Gilda S. De Jesus, DOST STII Director Dr. Richard Burgos and ASMEPPS’ President Prof. Eloisa Olivera and COO Dr. Santos Castillo.
The event would have not been successful if not for the generosity of the Lion Villanueva couples who offered their school as the venue. ||