Be careful what you wish for


Remember the old adage “Be careful what you wish for.” It’s as if the universe has a sly grin and a twinkle in its eye, waiting for the perfect moment to turn our fondest dreams into laughable catastrophe. The very phrase itself is the epitome of understatement, a gentle reminder that perhaps, just perhaps, our desires might be better left in the real of fantasy. After all, do you really want a fairy godmother with a penchant for irony?

Let’s kick it off with the basics. Wishes are the result of our wildest dreams, the stuff of bedtime stories and Disney movies. They are the things we whisper to shooting stars, the deep-seated hopes blown out with birthday candles. But wishes are also the Trojan horses of our own making. Behind their shiny allure lies the potential for a Pandora’s box of unintended consequences.

Remember the story of King Midas, and the fate that befell him. In his quest for infinite wealth, he wished for everything he touched to turn to gold, and soon found himself in a gilded prison of his own making, unable to eat, drink, or hug his loved ones without turning them into glittering, inanimate treasures. “Oops, did I really ask for that?”  Urkel asks.

It’s not just in ancient mythology either. Our modern times are rife with examples of wishful thinking colliding with reality. Consider the hapless office worker wishing for a promotion who finds himself buried under a mountain of extra paperwork and plagued by endless meetings. The coveted corner office becomes a gilded cage complete with a malfunctioning air conditioner and a view of the parking lot and dumpster.

Or, what about the romantic who wishes for the perfect partner and ends up with someone who organizes their sock drawer by color and insist on discussing the ecological and geopolitical implications of their breakfast choices.

Then, of course, there are the fantastical – or one might even say fanatical – wishes, like wishing to be invisible. Sounds good, does it. You can eavesdrop on conversations or sneak into movies and sporting events for free. But, the novelty will likely wear off when you realize that being invisible means that you’ll be forever ignored. Imagine, if you will, waiting in line at Starbucks for a mocha coffee and everyone else gets served while you, unseen, are ignored.

So, what’s the moral of this tongue in cheek exploration of an old adage on the perils of too much wishful thinking? It’s simple. The universe has a sense of humor and it’s sometimes at our expense. Wishes, like advice from the well-intentioned but meddling aunt, should be handled with care and a  healthy dose of skepticism. For every dream that comes true, there’s likely a catch, a twist, or an ironic punch line waiting in the wings.

Maybe in the end, the best approach is to embrace the unpredictability of life, and find joy in the journey rather than fixating on the destination. After all, it’s the unexpected detours, the laugh-out-loud moments, and the occasional misadventures that make our stories worth telling. So, go ahead and wish upon that star, but remember to keep your sense of humor handy. You never know when the universe might decide to have a little fun with your heart’s desires. | NWI