Hog raisers affected by swine diseases in the towns of Hinigaran, Valladolid and San Enrique yesterday received P1.3 million in financial assistance from the provincial government of Negros Occidental.
Gov. Eugenio Jose Lacson, assisted by Provincial Veterinarian Placeda Lemana and Provincial Social Welfare Development officer Chiqui Gonzales, led the distribution of financial assistance.
The turn-over of assistance was witnessed by Valladolid Mayor Enrique Miravalles, Hinigaran Mayor Jose Nadie Arceo and San Enrique Mayor Jilson Tubillara, in separate venues.

The three mayors thanked the governor for the assistance to the affected hog raisers.
Since September, the provincial animal biosecurity incident management team reported almost 18,000 hog deaths due to various swine diseases, including African swine fever.
Last year, losses in the hog industry in Negros Occidental have reached P199.5 million. | GB