SPES payout held in Victorias


A total of 180 student-beneficiaries in Victorias City received their payout from the Special Program for Employment of Students (SPES) at the Don Alejandro Acuña Yap Quiña Arts and Cultural Center recently.

This transformative initiative, led by the Department of Labor and Employment (DOLE), in collaboration with the Victorias City government, aims to assist students from low-income families by offering them employment opportunities during their summer vacation.

Of the total beneficiaries, 120 students were supported through a combined fund from DOLE and Victorias LGU, each receiving P6,025. The remaining 60 students, fully funded by the LGU, received P10,045 each, the city said in a press release Aug. 27.

A total of 180 student-beneficiaries in Victorias City received their payout from the Special Program for Employment of Students at the Don Alejandro Acuña Yap Quiña Arts and Cultural Center recently. | Victorias PIO photo

The students worked in various LGU offices from June 24 to July 19, gaining valuable experience in fields that align with their academic pursuits.

During the payout, chief of staff to the city mayor and Culture and Ethics Officer Dr. Joselito Diaz, representing Mayor Javier Miguel Benitez, emphasized the crucial role of education in shaping the future of these young beneficiaries.

He encouraged them to stay focused on their career paths, and highlighted the importance of the skills and experiences they gained through the program.

Public Employment Service Office (PESO) manager Faith Bacucang, meanwhile, shared insights on the implementation of the SPES and expressed her hopes for the program’s continued success in empowering the youth of Victorias City.

Some 635 residents from barangays II, III, V, and VI in Victorias City, on the other hand, convened for the Tulong Panghanapbuhay sa Ating Displaced/Disadvantaged Workers (TUPAD) orientation, also at Don Alejandro Acuña Yap Quiña Cultural Center.

This community-based program, funded under the budget of congressman Kiko Benitez, aims to provide emergency employment to displaced, underemployed, and seasonal workers.

TUPAD beneficiaries are engaged in various social projects, including waste clearing and segregation, unclogging waterways, and the repair and maintenance of public facilities, such as schools and health centers.

These projects not only offer temporary employment but also contribute to the improvement of local infrastructure and community well-being, the city said.

Each beneficiary will work for 10 days and will earn P4,800.

The work duration and nature of tasks are aligned with the DOLE guidelines, ensuring that the projects meet the community’s needs while providing meaningful employment. ||