Power Watch Negros welcomes ERC order


Consumers’ group Power Watch Negros welcomed the recent order issued by Energy Regulatory Commission chairperson Agnes Devanadera, directing the Philippine Electricity Spot Market Corp. (PESMC) to stop the collection of congestion and other applicable charges, including line rentals, due to the damaged Cebu-Negros submarine cable.

Group convenor Wennie Sancho said this is a “respite from the onslaught of exorbitant electric power rate increases of CENECO that are bleeding the consumers dry.”

The ERC also directed the PESMC to refund the amounts already collected from consumers for billing periods June to August 2021.

Power Watch Negros is urging the CENECO management to set the mechanism for refund and ensure the widest dissemination of information of this vital concern that will give relief to its consumers of the undue financial burden passed on to them.

The group, meanwhile, will hold a press conference today to reiterate their vehement opposition to the holding of the CENECO Annual General Membership Assembly on Sept. 26.

The group said they will declare as illegal any document or legal instrument that will be ratified, amended, or rescinded during the AGMA.

Sancho said the conduct of the AGMA “will violate the basic principle of the parliamentary procedure and it does not provide processes through which the consumers can discuss and work out satisfactory solutions.” – MML