New Year’s resolutions


The New Year signifies change and starting anew.

In the Philippines, we traditionally spend the changing of the year with our family and loved ones, a fitting way to begin a new chapter in our lives.

One of the most popular traditions people around the world practice is following a New Year’s resolution. These resolutions serve as list of goals to attain for the year. May it be health and fitness, traveling more, saving up, or being kinder, resolutions come in all shapes and sizes.

Finding meaning in resolutions

For Robeeh Ramos, registered guidance councilor, re-programming or reframing our point of view gives us a fresh start to live life the way we want.

“It’s very fulfilling and as you do small steps in sticking to that goal, you will end up quite happy in knowing that you have successfully acted on it,” said Ramos.

A New Year’s resolution can become meaningful for a person if it has a personal relevance. This can be motivated with a resolve to change issues, or improve on certain habits in their life, said Ramos, who is also a professor at the University of St. La Salle Graduate School.

“Someone who is determined to have a positive change in themselves will find setting and achieving resolutions not only meaningful but also rewarding,” she added.

How can one begin drafting a fool-proof resolution?

Honesty and source of motivation

Ramos says the best way to start is being psychologically honest with oneself by asking your real intentions, desires, and goals.

She adds, “After all, why would a person go at all lengths when the real motives are not set in the first place?” If you just want to look better in clothes, then just accept it. Honestly admitting this to yourself does not make you shallow, it makes you genuine about your motivations.

Identifying your source of motivation comes together with psychological honesty. Once you are honest with yourself, it will become easier to pinpoint the source of your motivation. Being motivated because you want to become a better friend, or sibling, is good start for those who aim to be kinder this year.

Know that your goals can be motivated by either personal or external factors. Just be mindful that resolutions must be about you improving your way of life. You don’t have to be pressured into following a resolution just because of your peers, or of anyone else.

Clear-cut objectives

Creating resolutions is the same with project management. I’ve learned throughout my years in development that in setting goals, one has to be S.M.A.R.T. — Specific, Measurable, Attainable, Relevant, Time-based.

Narrow your resolution for a more effective planning. You don’t have to go big right away. It’s good to start with something small and manageable. You can always scale up as the year progresses if you feel like you can do more.

You can define evidences to measure your progress. Easier ways to measure progress is by number. For example, a decreasing waistline and weight. If you’re gunning for a better mental health, measuring your progress through sessions attended with your counselor is good place to start.

Make sure your goal is reasonably attainable in a certain timeframe. This timeframe has to be realistic, too. Again, you can’t immediately go into a herculean task without starting small.

You don’t have to be ambitious. But if you really want to achieve something big, divide it into smaller, manageable chunks. That way, you won’t be pressured by the time crunch.

Relevance harks back to your motivations and greater plan as a whole. If you move towards your goal of becoming a post-graduate professional, then a resolution of enrolling into related courses makes you one step closer to that long-term goal.

If the S.M.A.R.T. method is too complicated for you, others follow a “theme” in listing their resolutions. For example, my theme for 2022 is “Breakthroughs”. This means my goals for the year revolve around achieving success, both in career and in personal life. However, this doesn’t mean that I have to achieve all of these listed goals in just one year. I am planning to start things off this year, this way I am setting myself up for success in the coming years.

Perseverance and self-discipline

When the person only shows intensity but not consistency, their set resolutions will be challenged, said Ramos.

Perseverance and self-discipline are important. If you are really determined to make that change and save for your future, then coupling it with discipline in regularly making a deposit in your savings account will set you up for success. Using various tools, such as mobile applications, planners, automatic deposits and others can also aid you in becoming more consistent. You can even have a goal-buddy, where you hold each other accountable with your resolutions.

However, there are instances where we get distracted, and worse, lose motivation in achieving our goals for the year. These could be life events and transitions that get things out of hand.

When things go awry, acknowledge such tendencies and ask for professional help on things beyond our control. We don’t have to be at a hundred all the time. After all, we’re human and it is perfectly okay to be imperfect.

Any time you can make a resolution

Honestly, it doesn’t take a crisp, new calendar to begin change. Resolutions can happen anytime. As long as you have the honesty, resolve, drive and consistency, you can make changes for the better.

What’s true for everyone is that sticking to your goals is fulfilling and will bring happiness and success, said Ramos.

I’ve had my share of failures when it comes to resolutions. Achieving goals is always a work in progress for me. I continue to be motivated by friends who are achieving their goals. This encourages me to do better and work smarter. If they can do it, then there’s a great chance that I will succeed, too.

Let’s face the New Year with optimism, courage, and hope. Together. – NWI