Kabankalan, Sipalay employers served SSS show-cause orders


The Social Security System resumed its campaign against non-compliant employers in Negros Occidental, with its Run After Contribution Evaders (RACE) drive in the cities of Sipalay and Kabankalan Dec. 7.

SSS vice president for Visayas West 1 Division, Lilani Benedian, said that three establishments were visited by the RACE team to remind them of their obligations under Republic Act 11199, or the Social Security Act of 2018.

Of the three non-compliant business establishments, two are in Sipalay City and one from Kabankalan City.

SSS posted show-cause orders at J and MC Cellphone & Accessories Marketing and MTP Gas Station in Sipalay, and the St. Therese of Kabankalan Inc. due to non-remittance of SSS contributions.

The SSS Kabankalan branch, which has jurisdiction over the two cities, is expected to collect P1.6 million worth of contribution delinquency, inclusive of penalties, after the operations.

All employers subjected to the RACE campaign should respond to the show cause order within a non-extendable period of 15 days from notice, or posting of the order on why no legal action shall be taken against them.

“We are encouraging delinquent employers to avail of the ongoing pandemic relief and restructuring programs, particularly on condonation of penalties on Social Security contributions and short-term member loan penalty condonation so that they can settle their outstanding payables to SSS in flexible payment terms,” Benedian said in a press release Dec. 9.

The RACE campaign, which started in 2018, is in its third year of operation. In 2020, the campaign was suspended due to the COVID-19 pandemic.

For more information and updates on SSS programs and benefits, follow its social media accounts. | NND