I can just feel it. The palpable, crackling, almost electrical sound of excitement in the air. People are frothing with anticipation, almost salivating for the games to begin. Yes, it’s that season for election mania to start. And for the moment, even the pandemic, which has claimed center stage for nearly two years now, has been placed on the back burner.
The general election for all government positions in the Philippines will take place in May 2022. That’s almost five months from now. Understandably, those who aspire to win one of the many coveted elective posts must start their election campaign as early as now – talking to the media, visiting strategic voter places, distributing “free” foodstuff and goods – in short, doing everything to be in the limelight and, therefore, visible to the eyes of the voting public.
As a voter, are there any guidelines to help me so I can cast my vote wisely and put the right people in the right positions? I need public servants who will mandate and administer not only the daily goings-on but also ensure the overall well-being of my city and its residents.
I do not want to vote for just anyone who says that he wants to help. Excuse me, but anyone who has a passion for helping others can do that quite well even if one is not in politics.
So what then are the qualities I should look for in my quest for the ideal leader?
In a perfect world, he could be:
Someone who, without any fanfare, will be the first to put up donations or have no qualms in using his own personal resources no matter how small it is, to help needy victims of calamities and other personal misfortunes;
Someone who, during these calamities, is personally visible at the distressed areas to ensure that operations are organized and that help reaches the afflicted;
Someone whose vision of a great city would encompass infrastructure development and projects that will bring comfort, convenience, and prosperity to the city;
Someone who will not allow corruption to permeate any ranks and sitting offices of the city, and who will swiftly curtail and exact punishment to the guilty no matter how close they are to him;
Someone who will have the courage to approach top ranking government leaders for an enlightened solution to any problem affecting public welfare and safety of his constituents;
Someone who, because of his good governance and exemplary behavior, can influence and inspire our young people to be proactive in government and public affairs;
And above all, someone who is honest, guileless, fair, incorruptible, and can get things done fast.
I can go on endlessly. Do not say that I would never find such a leader among those who have already declared their candidacy for the coming elections. If none of them fit the bill exactly as I enumerated them, then I will take the one with the most attributes and vote him into office.
Used properly, my vote has the power to make or break a city. Yours has the same power, too. My vote is not for sale. Yours shouldn’t be, either. People elect the leaders they deserve. I say, we deserve the best. Join me in this quest and together, let us elect great and responsible leaders! – NWI