Our Philippines…
Plundered by foreign and domestic powers. Pilloried by foreign and domestic critics. Perceived by foreign and domestic pundits as possibly becoming a “failed State”.
Plagued by poverty amid plenty. Pocked by pustules of perennial political jousting and power play. Plastered with perils from people and planet.
Yet proud. Plucky. Pliant but persistent. Always pushing for better prospects and a better future. Never panicking when presented problems.
No other nation seems always pained yet learns little from its pains. But no other nation either seems to compare to its ability to absorb pain, to painstakingly rise and rebuild, and in all these, to keep its poise and its penchant for humor.
A nation of puzzling people. Pizzazzy even when penniless. Plucky even when perturbed. Feeling prized even when having only a pittance.
There’s real power in our people. And probably because of our peculiar patience with adversities and misfortunes, this power is often parked in reserve.
But when unleashed, beware friends and foes.
No powder keg could compare to how it could go ballistic to decimate the heartless privileged and the callous few in power.
But these are just pieces of playful political ponderings. – NWI