Winning the battles in our mind


My subconscious tells me I can do it. The other conscious half tells me it can’t be done.

Lots of self help books tell us the positive effects of positive thinking in the outcome of our desired results.

If we are just living in Aladdin’s world of magic, we could just rub the teapot anytime and the Genie will provide us our heart’s desires.

Isn’t it wonderful that with just a snap of the fingers all our worries will be gone. In just a snap of the fingers, the Chinese man-made islands will submerge under water and will be forever gone in the West Philippine Seas. Then, it would not also be impossible to achieve the P20/kilo rice, as promised by PBBM during his campaign sorties, which probably lured the ignoramus voters in 2022?

If we are only in a magical world all problems will be solved. Most Filipinos by nature tend to shy away from problems. Ignoring them will not make them go away. However, acting on it when it is on full blown scale is dangerous as well. Schools have included problem solving in their curriculum. The problem on how to identify the problem, has been missed by many teachers in their discussions.

There are a thousand solutions to any problem faced by man, but he needs to take the first step to resolve it.  I had always believed that the only limitations we have are the ones we have set for ourselves. And unless we have broken this spell, we will continuously travel the road of unresolved challenges.

Man should be able to preempt in his mind the problems that may arise with a corresponding solution. I have asked all people that were under me to never come to me with a problem unless they have two probable solutions to it. If they don’t have a suggestion, it means we will leave the matter to fate. It helps me unload unnecessary challenges and allows me to keep an eye on more important matters.

In like manner that our mind preempts us to react prior to electrocution if undergoing EMG NCV test for our nerves and muscles, so we must be ready to act on upcoming challenges at hand.

While this may seem easy on paper, it may take many generations to successfully overcome since it involves our faith in our capability as an individual. When Gideon was tasked to lead the Israelites, he was hesitant at first. This is when God decided to give him only 300 men instead of thousands that abound in the army of Israel that time. It is not with abundant resources that we win, it is with what we do with limited resources that makes us successful. God showed all of us that all battles are actually won in our mind even before it began.


Last Saturday, the ASMEPPS (Association of Science and Math Educators of Public and Private Schools) awarded some of the best students who won in the contest held for this SY. In June, another event will be held dedicated to National Champions. Competitions of this caliber hones our youth to become leaders of tomorrow’s renewed Philippines. ||