Challenges Rev. Alubog left us


Rev. Amsil P. Alubog, the beloved Pastor of La Carlota Evangelical Church for the last 41 years was laid to rest on July 3. He passed away on June 22. He would have turned 65, July 2.

A Centralian, he was a long-time member of the Central Philippine University Corporation. The following was the challenge and a tribute delivered by the writer, nephew of Rev. Alubog and also a pulpit pastor of La Carlota Evangelical Church.

What are the challenges that Rev. Amsil P. Alubog has left us? 

First, believe that Jesus has defeated all enemies and troubles in life.

Rev. Alubog would always say, “The best is yet to come!”

It is a call for us to live a victorious life because we know that in the end, Christ has already defeated Satan.

This is eschatological living – meaning, you know that at the end, Jesus is the victor. So, we live our lives knowing that Jesus has already overcome it all.

In John 16:33 Jesus said, “I have told you these things, so that in me you may have peace. In this world you will have trouble. But take heart! I have overcome the world.”

So, you say now to any trouble, Jesus has already overcome you. The best is yet to come.

For Rev. Alubog, the best has already come to him. He is with the Lord Jesus Christ.

Second, care for and love one another.

Rev. Alubog would always be at the bedside of someone sick and dying. Members of La Carlota Evangelical Church would recall a lot of times that it happened to us. He would drive as fast as the ambulance driver to bring one to the hospital or to be there before somebody dies.

While I was in Hong Kong, I had a dream that he told me to help the church. I could not say no. I said, I will help the La Carlota Evangelical Church in any way that I can.

I was 5 years old when he arrived in LCEC. I was a little boy then. All these years he helped me in many ways and helped me become a better pastor. He trained me to preach starting in the vesper service during my days at the CPU College of Theology. Eventually, when I graduated, he gave me his set of the Interpreters Bible which I used during those times.

How did the people know that they were Christians in the book of Acts? Because they shared what they had. They cared and loved one another.

The life of Rev. Alubog is challenging us to care for and love one another.

Third, be intentional in remembering others.

Many have testified that Rev. Alubog would call you when you have a birthday or an anniversary. He was intentional in remembering people. He would often find time to have coffee with different people, including young pastors who are starting their ministry.

This tells that we need to take time to talk. We need to have an investment of time for others.

The life of Rev. Alubog is challenging us to remember others today. When was the last time you visited a friend or a family member? Visit them because you might regret it later if you did not.

At the end, Jesus described heaven as a wedding feast. This signifies a joyous fellowship of friends and families. Start the heavenly fellowship while we are still on Earth.

Fourth, be generous.

La Carlota Evangelical Church is a generous church because of the example of Rev. Alubog.

He would always remind everyone of Malachi 3:10 which says, “Bring the whole tithe into the storehouse, that there may be food in my house. Test me in this,” says the LORD Almighty, “and see if I will not throw open the floodgates of heaven and pour out so much blessing that there will not be room enough to store it.”

His life was a testimony that we can all see that God would really open the floodgates of heaven and would bless you with many things if you are a faithful giver.

Fifth, be a missionary for life.

Another quotable quote from Rev. Alubog is “Each one, bring one.” It is a call for us to bring people to Christ and to share the good news of salvation.

Can you remember that somebody who shared the gospel to you? Would you like to be that somebody to someone?

The Great Commission is commanded by Jesus Christ to all Christians, and not just to pastors. We all have to share the Good News of Salvation in Jesus Christ in any way that we can, anytime and anywhere.

Thank you Lord for the life and ministry Rev. Amsil P. Alubog! – NWI